Wednesday, June 16, 2010

update, FINALLY

So I realize I haven't updated in oh, about a year! Here's a little update for us! Only a short and sweet one though, too tired to get too lengthy!

Me- I've been about the same for the last year! Just working part time and hanging out with my two favorite guys the rest of the time! I am embarking on something very new for me though, training for a half marathon! Those of you that know me know I am NOT a runner, but I'm sure trying to be! I've signed up to run the half marathon here in San Antonio in November. It's the Rock N Roll Marathon and from what I hear its a pretty good one, people come from all over to run in it. I've just started my training in May and could hardly run then. I'm up to three miles so I guess that's pretty good!

Mike is still running America's Hometenders and for the most part loves it! It gets stressful at times, but whose job doesn't! He has started coaching again, baseball of course! He's coaching with the South Texas Sliders, a team in the San Antonio area and he LOVES IT! To be honest, I haven't seen him this happy in a while! He has missed baseball terribly since he quit working around it and I'm so glad he has found something to feed his passion for the game! He's coaching 14-17 year olds mostly and personally I think those kids are super lucky! I'm a little biased though!

And as for Graydon, he is just the best! Mike and I are amazed everyday at his personality and humor! He is just talking about anything and everything these days and really keeps us on our toes sometimes! He is two and a half now, going on 18 it seems! He is just the perfect little boy, even when he's throwing a little fit (which happen every once in a while now that were in the "twos"!) and I couldn't have asked for more!

Here are some pics of Graydon and his favorite thing right now, baseball! He sure is his daddy's son! It amazes me daily that my two year old can hit a baseball that I pitch to him right back at me hard enough to hurt sometimes! The "T" is a thing of the past as he no longer wants to hit a ball off of it, he has to have you toss it to him! That he can catch it, and throw it back to me ten or more feet away! He is one coordinated kiddo and he sure didn't get it from me! For that, I am thankful! Maybe he'll get my artistic side! For now, it's all baseball though. We wake up and play baseball. We eat lunch, and play baseball. We get ready for bed, and before we go to sleep guess what we do... yep, we play more baseball!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The many faces of Graydon

Long overdue update

Thought I would FINALLY post an update on what we've been up to! We have had tons of fun this summer. We moved into a new house that has a pool and have had a blast swimming with Graydon! He's getting to be such a big boy! He loves to swim with his daddy and LOVES to squirt him in the face with the water hose!Another big thing that happened this summer is Graydon's haircut. It wasn't his first, but it was his first "big boy" cut! I was in shock for about 30 minutes! I love his new hair, but it took me a long while to get used to it, he just didn't look like my little baby anymore! Here's a before picture, and a few after pictures.

We had so much fun painting with Graydon the other day! He loved to splash the paint on the paper and rub it around with his fingers! He hated to have his hands dirty though. It was hilarious, we had to keep wiping them off.

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Big Harper"

It seems like so long ago now that Graydon said his first "real" word. He had been saying da-da and Ma-ma, but not associating them with anything. Well, we were sure surprised when his first word was Harper. Harper is our dog and he would look at her and point and say her name. He then thought all dogs were called Harpers, and may still think that for now. It is the cutest thing, because it sounds more like Harpoo when he says it! Well, a long time ago, in college I think, Mike got me this stuffed animal and we called it big Harper, because it looks like her. I put it in Graydon's room when we moved into our current house and lately, he's very interested in "big Harper". He will see her and say "Harper!!!" and then run to her and hug her. It is so cute! Here are some pics of the real Harper and Graydon loving on Big Harper! We haven't gotten to spend much time lately with the real Harper since she can't live with us while we're hometending. But my parents are taking very good care of her for us! She's even developed quite the belly because they are spoiling her!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day/G's first baseball game

I'm a little late, but I wanted to post about my great Mother's Day! It actually started Saturday when Mike woke me up with cards and my favorite little person, Graydon. Mike informed me that I was going to get a two day Mother's Day celebration this year! We got up and went to breakfast at Le Peep and then he arranged for my parents to watch Graydon so we could go shopping all day! He gave me a gift card to the shops at La Cantera and then told me I had to spend it all by a certain time or he would give it away to a homeless person! Sounds easy right... well, I am actually the worlds WORST shopper! I have a hard time actually buying things, so needless to say, I did a good job, but still had a little money left when the time was up! With a little convincing I was able to get Mike to let me keep it for another day! I think the homeless thing was just a joke thank goodness! On Sunday we went to church as usual and then headed to Mike's parents house to celebrate with all the Mothers in our family. We had to cut it short though, because we were going to Graydon's first baseball game! The San Antonio Missions were playing the Corpus Christi Hooks. Mike used to work for the Hooks and the radio announcer was here in town and got us great seats! Mike was excited to get to visit with Matt in the Press box for a while. I know Mike is happy with his work/life now, but I also know how much he misses baseball. I think it was a much needed walk down memory lane for him to be up there again. Graydon had a great time and although it was super hot and he was cranky he was actually really good. After the game we headed to my parents house to spend some time with my mom for Mother's day! It was a long, exhausting, fun filled day and I wouldn't have wanted to spend my Mother's day any other way! Here are a few pictures from the day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

So thankful...

So I've been trying to get on here a few times a week to check out friends blogs etc. The other day a friends blog led me to a great blogger's site, Kelly's Korner. It is so fun to read about her baby Harper and their story. I also love Kelly's blog because she always has prayer requests on her site. Yesterday while perusing her site I came upon the blog for Kayleigh Freeman! This poor little girl was born at only 1 lb and has been in the hospital for about 10 months I think it said! She has struggled immensly her entire short life so far, has had at least three surgeries, one being open heart surgery and just recently the family has gotten bad news. Something happened to her after her last surgery and she isn't responding well. I just wanted to let ya'll know about this so you could send some prayers their way! The site for Kayleigh is Please read their story and say some prayers for Kayleigh and her family! It breaks my heart that anyone has to go through something like this, and makes me so thankful that Graydon is healthy! We don't realize sometimes that although our kiddos are healthy and strong not all babies are.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Pics

Here are a few of the Easter pictures we had taken of Graydon. A good friend of mine recommended her cousin to us and she has taken some of the best pictures of him! So far we've done Pumpkin pics, Santa pics and now Easter! Thanks for recommending them Bethany!!!!